Definition of Eco-friendly
According to Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary online, the official definition of eco-friendly is: “not environmentally harmful.” or "trying to help the environment".
Basically taking steps to use less energy, use less plastic, recycle and being mindful to make as many small impactful changes as possible.
Definition of Sustainable
From the Cambridge dictionary, "causing, or made in a way that causes, little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time", Merriam-Webster dicotionary's definition is: "of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged". For something to be sustainable, it has to be able to continue for the foreseeable future. Once a sustainable resource is depleted, it is no longer considered sustainable.
Definition of Clean Products & the
According to Merriam-Webster. when a product is free from contamination; pure, unadulterated, lacking in many or all toxins. The beauty industry has been pushing to have the FDA (the US Food and Drug Administration) regulate the cosmetic industry and all it's products that for many years played a huge part in allowing toxins to be present in many of the products that people use each and everyday. There is an organization that has been compiling a massive database of the toxins that are present in many of the everyday use products included in the cosmetics industry. This organization is an independent non-government entity that keeps track of the best and the worst products in many industries not just the beauty industry. is committed to our safety. This organization is much like is to making sure that products we buy actually work. The best part of this organization is you can find not only many of the products you currently use, but you can also find the best alternatives to that product. Woodland's End is committed to clean toxin-free products. Each purchase made on our website will trigger us to donate a minimum of $1 per sale quarterly. The eco-friendly resin earrings are excluded from this donation, because we donate a minimum of 10% per sale to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ( for this collection.
Definition of Green Products
As written in Merriam-Webster the word Green is used to describe a person or company that is actively trying to help the environment through protections made through legislation, social change, and governmental focused change.
Green : ENVIRONMENTALIST especially : a member of an activist political party focusing on environmental and social issues.
Where do you fall in the above definitions? We are always looking for products that are clean, green, eco-friendly, and sustainable. Recycled clothing that is made from post-consumer recycled plastics is next up on the agenda for Woodland's End.
We hope you'll check back soon and often to see what new things we have in-store for you.
Enjoy a cleaner, greener, and hopefully eco-friendly.
